Anyone can experience panic attacks but it is common for them to start during teenage years. Once someone has experienced a panic attack, they will avoid certain situations because they fear it will spark another attack. This can create a cycle of living *in fear of fear.*
Common Physical symptoms
Heart palpitations
Abdominal pain
Chest pain
Acid reflux
Trapped wind
A panic attack can occur when when you are worrying for something and can occur from intense fear ,can occur from stress, tiredness or when you are exposed to shock.
Everyone will experience different symptoms during the panic attack.
Some people can experience shaking in their hands and legs, sweating, or cold hands.
What to do when you have a panic attack
walk around
breath deep and slowly
Focus on positive thoughts
If you are in a meeting try to get in to conversation, put questions so you will shift your mind away.
Hypnotherapy is one of the best ways to eliminate panic attacks.
Hypnotherapy works as a therapy for the mind. Take action now, don't let the panic attacks to take control over your life.